Exam Format

  • Non-Proctored online exam
  • Multiple choice
  • 45 questions per exam
  • No negative marks for wrong answers
  • 30 minutes duration
  • Passing score: >=85%

Audience Profile

This is highly recommended for anyone in an organisation, working in a Scrum Team or anyone who interacts with any Scrum Team. This will also suitable for those who are interested in understanding the basics of Scrum and how this framework could be used under different context.


There is no formal prerequisite for this certification. But basic knowledge of Scrum and understanding of how teams work and collaborate is definitely helpful.

System Requirements

Our assessment platform works across all major operating systems and web browsers – with an Internet connection. We do however advise that you ensure a strong internet connection

Our platform is compatible with all major operating systems including:

  • Windows
  • Macintosh
  • Linux
  • Chrome OS/Chromebook


Your answers are saved as you submit each one, not at the end of the assessment. This means your work is saved post each submission. And here are some standard troubleshooting steps:

  • If your assessment page freezes, you may click refresh on your web browser and the assessment platform will reload on the same question you were on.
  • If your internet goes down or if you are otherwise disconnected from your assessment session, please reach out to us. We will check with our assessment platform provider to open your session with the same amount of time remaining. Please write to support[at]extremescrum.com with your details, and we will be happy to assist you.

Validity of Password and Certificate

  • Passwords have no expiration date, but are valid for one attempt only.
  • Lifetime certification – no annual renewal fee required.